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In the fifteenth chapter of John’s gospel, Jesus offers a very unique take on the life of his followers. Jesus describes himself as a vine, and his Divine Father is the one who tends to the vine. (15:1) Later Jesus describes those who follow him as branches which “abide” in him as the vine. “Abide” here means to both “dwell in” and “conform to.” We are to live connected to God through Christ, becoming more like Christ as we do. In chapter 14 Jesus had already made clear that what is expected of Jesus followers will be supported by the Holy Spirit. (14:15-17) It is the Spirit that will help us abide in Christ, like the water and nutrients from the vine provided to sustain the branches, following this vine metaphor.

This is an audacious vision Jesus offers his followers. We mere mortal people are invited to enter into a relationship with God, the creator and sustainer of all things, through Christ in the Spirit. How hard it is to imagine our dwelling in, and being sustained by, our eternal God. It seems like an intimate pairing of two very unequal, possibly incompatible, partners. But this is just what Jesus has invited us to do! The evidence that we are being healthy, productive branches (15:2-4) is found in our love for others, even for those who do not love us. This evidence, in particular, is seen in our love for our fellow believers who like us, have grafted their lives into God through Christ being sustained by the Spirit. (See 15:12ff.)

The bottom-line for us at First Covenant Church is we are first and foremost a spiritual community, abiding with one another in Christ, even as we each abide in Christ. The life of our church aspires to be an expression of the life of God’s love offered to us in Christ—to each other and to the world. Acknowledging this, our newsletter will be called “Life on the Vine.” A reminder that all the information that is contained in this newsletter, and all those that follow, are expressions of our life as a spiritual community created and sustained by the triune God. May we all celebrate the gift of being called not only God’s people, but an extension of the very life of God lived together in the world.

Welcome to “life on the vine.”

Pastor Todd

Welcome to Life on the Vine